Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday August 15, 2010

1757: Sunday and the alarm goes off at 0646. We get up and get ready for the MAC. I put in a new contact today. New contacts are always easy to put in and seem more clear than the 30 day old contact I put in yesterday. Today Nancy is going swimming and I will walk on the tread mill. After the MAC we head home to make some coffee to take to the brunch at the airport.

At 1000 we head out for the airport viewing area. The airport has set up picnic tables at the viewing area. Tim, Tom and Linda, Ed and Mary and of course Bob and Nancy were at the brunch. Everyone brought some food item. We had an excellent egg dish, all kinds of fruit and breads. Of course everyone had a coffee. We also had a champagne and orange juice drink to start the brunch. Ed Namey knows all about commercial airplanes. He would tell us the type, manufacturer, and number of passengers that each plane could hold. It was very interesting.

2150: We ended the brunch at 1230. It was getting too hot. Nancy and I then headed to Woodland Mall so Nancy could look at some items at Macy's. I looked for a shirt for Don Crandall at Eddie Bauer and J Crew. No luck. At 1330 we headed home. I took a short nap and then a 3 mile walk. After the walk I called Debbie and told her that a high school classmate is running for congress, Pat Miles. Debbie said the name sounded familiar but she will check her yearbook.

For dinner tonight we had turkey dogs and corn on the cob. Nancy also fixed a fruit mix for dessert. Not much on TV so I read the GRP. I just took Ms P out and noticed a beautiful crescent moon. It has cooled off considerably so we shut off the AC. I think we will return to our seasonal normal.

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