Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday August 31, 2010

2209: The last day of August and August is going out hot. It got to 92 today. I got up at 0730. I followed the normal routine. I finished at home about 0845 and then got on the AT and headed to the MAC. I only wore a tee shirt because it was 76 at 0730. The MAC was nearly empty. The Kava House was busy because the Eastown folks were having a planning meeting. As soon as the meeting broke up the participants starting planting flowers and trees in the planter strips between the sidewalk and curb. They concentrated on Lake Drive and Wealthy Streets. I think about 20 people were involved. Most of the folks own businesses in Eastown. I think the new flora will be a welcome addition to Eastown.

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then got out the lawn mower. I did not mow the entire lawn but trimmed the edges so that it will not look too ragged when it goes uncut for about two weeks. I finished packing and making sure that I had all the battery chargers packed. I also made a trip to the Apple Store to get a USP to household outlet plug.

Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping tonight. I had the tuna melt and it was very good. We watched the President tonight. I thought he gave a very good speech. We also watched a rerun of NCIS. I have never seen any of the shows that won an Emmy the other night. We will have to make an effort this fall to view these shows. The temperature in Moscow is now 50. That is almost 40 degrees cooler than GR. We hope the hurricane will not delay our departure from Dulles on Thursday.

Remember every day you must get your 30 minutes outside. The weather is not an excuse. Keep a good thought and may God Bless.

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