Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday August 14, 2010

2220: Saturday morning and I am up at 0600. What gives. I drink my fiber, feed Ms P and go back to bed until 0700. You can tell that Fall is coming because it was dark at 0630. I will have to fix my bike lights if I want to ride in the early morning. Today is suppose to be the hottest day of the year. I said that yesterday too. I get on my AT and pedal to Bill's for breakfast. The sun was not out so it was a pleasant ride. I had my usual pancake and eggs for breakfast and read the DFP and WSJ. Today is a big day for the UM football program. They have a hearing before the NCAA. The DFP had several articles on UM's strategy.

After breakfast I load up the AT and head for Riverside Park. Because of the heat and humidity I will ride 30 miles on the White Pine Trail. It was humid but the sun did not come out during my ride so the heat was in the low 80s. It took 2h30' to ride 30 miles. When I got home I put Nancy's new sticker on her license plate and got my retro bike out and cleaned it off and checked it out. I will use the retro when we have a light dusting of snow. If the snow is significant I will not ride any bike.

The sun did come out later in the afternoon and it was as forecast, very hot and humid. I showered and took an hour nap. At 1700 Nancy and I ran some errands. We stopped by the post office to mail a birthday card. We then stopped at D&W in Gaslight Village to get some plastic forks for tomorrow's brunch at the airport. Our last stop was at Grand Rapids Brewing . I had a sandwich and beer. Nancy had a sandwich and water. We did stop at Kohl's after dinner to get a present for my brother-in-law.

I finished the newspaper and watched a little TV. There was not much on. At 2000 I took Ms P out to do her bidness and the temperature was still in the 80s.

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