Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday August 8, 2010

2207: The alarm goes off at 0636. I get right up and get ready for my trip to Mt. Pleasant. Today my sister, Helen, and I are going to court for a final hearing on our cousin Peg's estate. The court time is 0945. I stop at the Kava House for coffee and scones. I really enjoyed the trip to Mt Pleasant. It has been awhile since I have taken a nice drive through the rural areas. I was surprised at how high the corn has gotten. It is August and the countryside is still very green.

Helen and I arrived at the same time, 0920. We walked into the Isabella County Court House and had to pass through a metal detector. My brother-in-law, Don, set off the alarm. It was his two new knees. We were ushered into the court room at exactly 0945. Our attorney was several minutes late. The entire hearing took less than 3 minutes. The estate of Margaret Woodley is finalized. I know that Peg would be happy that everything went without a hitch.

I voted for Steve Heacock in last week's election. My sister told me that she had Steve Heacock in her English class at Gaylord High School. I didn't know my sister was that old.

I took a different route home. It was 89 miles going and 108 miles coming home. I enjoyed the drive. When I was working I always enjoyed working in small communities throughout Michigan.

I did stop for gas and a gas station hot dog. I love gas station hot dogs. I got home about 1330. After a quick lunch I finished cutting the front yard. I also took a two mile walk. I took a shower and then a one hour nap. It was one of the soundest sleeps I have had in awhile. For dinner tonight Nancy and I ate at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and had their cargo special.

Tonight I took Ms P on a walk. I passed by our ex City Attorney's house and noticed that he had a Pat Miles sign in his yard. Mr Miles is a Democrat and the ex City Attorney is hard core GOP. I questioned Mr. Balkema and he said he voted for Steve Heacock but cannot support the GOP nominee who defeated Mr Heacock. I feel somewhat the same way. The GOP wants no taxes including a gas tax. I am all for efficiency in government but we have to have some public services and these require some form of tax. I have never voted against a local tax proposal. Let's be frugal but not stupid.

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