Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday August 12, 2010

2142: I slept in until 0730 this morning. I have to start going to bed earlier. I did the normal routine at both the house and MAC. It was a very hot humid day today with the temperature over 90. I sat in the non air conditioned room at the Kava House because the main room was very cold. I really don't like an AC running full blast. 75 is good enough for me. The DFP had several articles on the Detroit Police Chiefs, former and present, bad judgment as it relates to affairs with staff members. I think both Chiefs had affairs with the same officer. Detroit is better than any soap opera.

I did not get home until after 1300. I had a quick lunch and then made several phone calls. I talked to Dr. Schwaderer about my recommendations for his culvert project. We are now on the same page. I also called my friend Tom Mayan. Tom is a fellow civil engineer I have known for over 50 years. He lives in Merrill and we talked for about 35 minutes.

It was in the 90s when I started cutting the grass. I only did the side and back yards. Tomorrow I will do the front yard. For dinner Nancy and I ate at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and listened to the Thursday night singer. When we got home we read the GRP and watched a little TV. I played some games on my itouch. I must control myself when playing games. Ten minutes soon turns into 40 minutes. Isn't summer great?

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