Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday August 28, 2010

2159: I got up at 0700 and got ready for a busy Saturday. I rode the AT to Bill's for pancake and eggs. At Bill's I read the DFP and WSJ. I overheard a lot of folks kidding the waitress about if the eggs were good. The restaurant was crowded. It was cool outside when I left for breakfast but had really warmed up after breakfast. Today was a warm, sunny day. The afternoon temperature got to 89.

I had made up my mind on my Saturday ride before breakfast. I was going to ride to Cedar Springs on the White Pine Trail. When I got home I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed for Riverside Park. I got to the park about 1000 and the parking lot was almost full. Folks are taking advantage of the nice weather. They also want to get their exercise done before it gets too hot. It was a beautiful ride. I rode 36.5 miles in 3h05'. When I got home I showered and took a 40 minute nap. After the nap I loaded some games on to Nancy's itouch (with help from Debbie). We also got all Nancy's tunes transferred to the itouch. We had dinner tonight at Forest Hills Inn. Nancy had a salad and I had a club sandwich with a beer. I read the GRP and played some games on Nancy's itouch. I headed upstairs about 2100 to get caught up on my blogs.

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