Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday August 20, 2010

1720: I got up at 0645 this morning. I guess all the pushing of the lawn mower yesterday made my shoulder sore last night and it made sleep difficult. Dr Schwaderer said that being horizontal can be painful with a damaged shoulder. He said that a lot of folks after shoulder surgery have to sleep in a chair. However, was I am vertical my shoulder feel real good. I think that every day in every way I feel better and better. Do you know from what movie that statement was made?

It was cool this morning when I rode to the MAC. I was happy to have a long sleeve shirt on. It is now 1727 and 90 degrees. The DFP had several articles on the Cruise on Woodward tomorrow. During this event folk drive their vintage cars along Woodward Ave in the Detroit suburbs. I can remember my classmates at UM who were from the Detroit area talk about cruising Woodward. They would take their car and drive up and down Woodward. Sometime they would stop at a Drive-In restaurant. It was kind of a rite of passage for teenagers and a great way to meet girls or so they said. We did not cruise in Alpena.

After the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then loaded many cardboard boxes into the C2. I cleaned the garage out yesterday looking for the elusive mouse. I took the cardboard to the recycling center.

2130: My next stop was Gazelle Sports where I purchased two pair of Smart Wool socks. I also purchase another pair of 18 day underwear at Bill and Paul's. I think I now have enough socks and underwear for the 16 day river cruise.

Tonight Nancy and I dined at Forest Hills Inn. After dinner we visited Wal-Mart for more trip essentials. Not much on TV but I did watch parts of 3:10 to Yuma.

I just took Ms P out and it was hot and dark. Several weeks ago it was still light outside. The temperature is 84. We have the AC on.

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