Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday August 8, 2010

1420: Sunday and I had to set the alarm in order to get up in time to get to the MAC when it opens at 0800. The alarm goes off at 0646 and I get right up and complete my Sunday morning chores. When we get to the MAC I decided to close the sun roof in case it should rain. It was not suppose to rain today according to the local crack weathermen.

I still cannot swim so I decide to walk three miles on the treadmill at a 14' pace. I can watch TV while walking and the Today show had their National Weather person say rain was heading to GR. The local man came on and said no rain. When I completed my walk I looked out the window and it was pouring.

After my shower I met Nancy in the waiting area and she said we had to get home because we left the windows open. We head home and closed all the windows. The rain came straight down and it did not get on the window sills. Nancy said we did not have to go to Meijer's so she made breakfast and I headed to the Kava House to get us some coffee. Ms P did not want to go. I think she was still spooked by the storm.

After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I read several sections of the paper and then headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I slept about 45 minutes. I spent some time on the computer. I wrote yesterday's blog and printed out a map to Tom Schwaderer's cabin. Tomorrow I will meet the good Doctor and help him with his bridge problem.

Today is my sister's birthday. We called Helen and wished her a happy birthday. After the rain it has turned hot and humid. We will have to turn on the AC tonight. Right now I am going to load up my car for tomorrow's trip. I will then take a 3 mile walk. Yes folks another walk. I love to walk.

Today is my 775th blog. 2143: Nancy cooked me 2 burgers for dinner tonight. We also had corn on the cob. We watched the news and read the paper. I walked around the block but Ms P did not want to come with me.

We turned the AC on tonight. We set the AC temperature at 74. It has been on about 3 hours and the inside temperature is still 79. The AC must work extra hard tonight.

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