Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday July 31, 2010

1723: Saturday and it is another 0700 morning. The weatherman said that we can expect rain today. I have my doubts so I pedaled to "Bill's" for pancake and eggs. When I got to "Bill's" there was only one other customer. I had my choice of tables and I picked one that is not near an AC duct. I read the DFP and WSJ. It usually takes my about 90 minutes to finish a Saturday breakfast because I am very relaxed and want to spend some time reading the papers. I was quietly eating my pancakes when a cell phone goes off. I was going to say something when I realized that it was my phone. It was my sister calling about road conditions in GR. I was confused so I gave her some bum dope that I had to correct later. I finished my breakfast about 0930. When I got ready to leave the restaurant was full.

Today I was going to go ride the Hart/Whitehall bike trail. It is located just north of Muskegon and is a pleasant ride. However, because of the threat of rain I rode on the Musketawa Trail by Marne. This trail runs from Marne to Muskegon. Today I rode 30 miles in 2h30'. My average speed was 11.4 mph. This is a good time for me and might reflect all the bike riding I have been doing lately. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then showered and took a nap.

I had a big surprise when I got home. Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop for a haircut and bath. They shaved Ms P and she looks good with short hair. It will also help her get through the "dog days of summer". I cannot believe that it is the last day of July. Where has the summer gone?

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Jack Lensink's birthday party. It is at his house and starts are 1800. I will report on the party later.

2150: The party was great. Nancy and I arrived at 1800 and the house was already filled with guests. I was surprised how many people I knew. Jack invited at lot of folks who frequent the Kava House. I also knew a gentleman from the breakfast club. I talked with Jack's brother in law who also rides single speed bikes. Julie and Sonja and their families were there and we talked about the old neighborhood. They both remember Steve hitting the tennis ball against the garage for hours. We sang happy birthday and had a piece of birthday cake. We left about 2030. Nancy and I watched a little TV and then I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Unlike Sampson, Ms P seems much stronger with her shaved hair. It is now almost 2200 and we are ready for bed. It has been a great summer day.

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