Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friday July 2, 2010

0750 July3: On Friday July 2, I get up at 0730. I hurried through my abbreviated exercise routine and headed to the MAC. It has been two weeks since the stumble. I was a little worried about running outside but told myself that it is time to get back in the action. I ran outside for 20 minutes.

It was another beautiful day and I hoped that I would have time for a long bike ride. I read the DFP but the WSJ was not available on the Kindle. I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P in the C2 to run some errands. My first stop was Mr. Thang's to pick up some pants that I had shortened. Next we stopped at Rylee's Hardware where I purchased some mosquito spray that attaches to the hose so I can spray our hill before next week's "Blessing". The final stop was GR Bicycle Company where I picked up a super cool bike hat.

We have not used our picnic table in years so I spent some time washing the table and bench. I also sandpapered the top of the table and bench. Next week I will apply a coat of stain to the top surface. After these chores I decided I did not have time for a bike ride so I took a two mile walk.

Last night Nancy and I went to the Moleski's for a kielbasa dinner. We sat outside on their deck. Tom Moleski's sister, Mary Claire, was visiting from Connecticut. It was a perfect evening to sit outside and enjoy the fine weather. We got home about 2000.

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