Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday July 25, 2010

1500: I just woke up from my nap and decided to get started on today's blog. I got up all by myself at 0630 this morning. I took Ms P out to do her budness. Nancy and I head for the MAC at 0730. My shoulder prevents me from swimming so I walk 3 miles on the treadmill. I walked at a 15'/mile pace. I tried 14'/mi but it was too fast for me. After my 3 miles I walked by the pool and see Nancy emerging from her 45' swim. Our next stop is Meijer's. Today I took back some bottles for the refund. I had 78 bottles, $7.80. I also filled up the car. Gas was $2.85/gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I sat down to read the GRP and immediately fell asleep. I slept about 30 minutes. About 1330 I head upstairs for my Sunday afternoon nap. I slept about an hour. I just put some sunscreen on and will now take a bike ride around Reeds Lake. I will continue this blog later.

2130: I rode around Reeds Lake twice for a total distance of 11.1 miles. They are improving the trail around Reeds Lake and it should be completed within the month. It will be a nice addition. Today the trail around the lake was very busy.

After my shower I finished the GRP. For dinner Nancy grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. We also had corn-on-the-cob. I watched parts of 60 minutes and then walked around the block. It was such a nice evening I spent some time just sitting on the breezeway. Ms P's hip is still acting up so we gave her some medicine. We had to carry her upstairs tonight. It has been a nice summer's day. Tomorrow is suppose to be the same.

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