Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday July 27, 2010

I am writing the July 27 (Tuesday) blog a day late. I woke at 0700 on July 27 and followed my normal routine. Tuesday was very hot and humid. I think the humidity makes me sluggish because I seem to do everything half speed. We did not turn the AC on last night because the weather man said it would cool off overnight. It did not. Lake Michigan's water temperatures are now in the upper 70s. This is a huge departure from previous years.

At the Kava House I read both the DFP and WSJ but did not find anything of great interest. I did not get home until about 1330. After a quick lunch I checked my email and then at 1430 Nancy and I headed to Kentwood High School to attend a health insurance seminar. We are thinking of moving from BC/BS to Priority Health. We can do this within the teacher's health plan. The presenters pointed out the good things about their plan. However, they did not dwell on the bad things. A big question regarding this plan is the impact of adding all the uninsured as required by the Feds new health legislation. Priority is a Medicare Advantage plan and several articles that I have read indicate they might suffer some loss of revenue when the Fed's plan kicks in. We also could not find some of the doctors we use on their list of approved doctors. We must do some more research.

When we got home from the seminar I went on a two mile walk. I worked up a major league sweat. It was too hot to cook so Nancy and I headed to Olga's for dinner. We sat outside (in the shade). We got home in time to watch NCIS. I headed to bed at 2100 because tomorrow is breakfast club and I must get up at 0545.

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