Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thursday July 8, 2010

2142: I got up at 0730. Instead of working out at home I got on my AT and pedaled to the MAC. I performed all my routine at the MAC. Instead of running outside I got on the treadmill and set the speed at 15' per mile and walked 3 miles. Of course it took 45 minutes. After my shower I looked outside and it was pouring. I got coffee at the MAC and sat down and read both the DFP and WSJ. I left about 1130 and came directly home.

I got home and remembered that Nancy, Missy and AJ had gone to Costco. Only Ms P and I were home. I had a quick lunch before the girls got home. My first chore this afternoon was to take Nancy's car and make a deposit at Chase on behalf of the OHNA. Next I stopped at 5/3 and got some cash for this weekend. My final stop was the rental place to reserve some table and chairs for Saturday. The owner said I did not have to do this because they had plenty and would not run out.

The rain appeared to stop about 1500 so I got out the lawn mower and started cutting the grass. I cut all the grass except the east side. I will complete the east side tomorrow and then edge, trim and blow the loose grass off the sidewalk on Friday. It was very humid and I was drenched when I finished. I took a quick shower. For dinner tonight we all headed to Olga's in Gas Light Village. Missy agrees with Bob and Nancy that their Peasant soup is great.

At home I finished the GRP, watched a little TV and at 2000 I took an hour nap. I will pickup Debbie at the airport about 2400 tonight.

Missy and I went to the airport to get Debbie. We waited in the cell phone lot. This lot is a great idea. The plane was about 30 minutes late but we picked up Debbie about 2445. Except for the delay Debbie said her flight was uneventful.

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