Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday July 11, 2010

2153: We all slept in this morning. Everyone was on their own for breakfast. I did drive to the Kava House to get Nancy and me a coffee. I relaxed around the house and read the GRP outside on the breezeway. I even took a nap around 1100. After my nap I continued reading the paper and played some games on my itouch that Debbie had loaded for me. I took a two mile walk in the early afternoon.

Nancy said we should be doing something so Debbie, AJ, Nancy and RH headed to Meijer's Garden. We walked around a bit and looked at the Chuily (sp?) displays. We ended up in the children's play area and AJ played in the water.

For dinner tonight Nancy cooked chicken breasts and chicken burgers. I had a chicken burger along with some veggies left over from yesterday's party. We had drumsticks and ice cream for dessert. Debbie and I took AJ on an one mile walk. We watched a little TV and then slowly headed upstairs to bed. Today could be described as a lazy day.

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