Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday July 6, 2010

2111 and it is 88 outside. This has been the warmest day of the year. I slept in until 0730. I followed my post stumble routine which includes a 2 mile run outside. Today at the Kava House I ordered a 16 oz coffee (pint) instead of the 20 oz because Tuesday is free refill day.

The WSJ had a story on why the price of gas has remained steady in CA. It appears the Russians have built a pipeline from their Siberian oil fields to one of their ports on the Pacific. The oil is being shipped to CA refineries. Russian oil is cheaper than Middle East oil. Another article talked about a recent US Court of Appeals ruling that offshore drilling was not complying with US environmental laws. President Obama had the ruling overturned because they thought it would create economic hardships and the US would lose about $50 billion in royalties. Why isn't this on the nightly news?

Because of my late start I did not get home from the Kava House until 1345. I had a quick lunch and then started my afternoon project. I painted the picnic table and bench. Tomorrow I will give the table and bench a second coat. After my painting chore was completed I called Kentwood Bike and asked if my handle bar bracket had arrived. They said it came in today's mail. I drove to the store and picked up the bracket. I am getting smart because I brought the bag to see if the bracket would work. It did not. Kentwood Bike is ordering a third bracket. Stay tuned.

Later Nancy and I delivered an OHNA announcement to all the homes in our block. We took Ms P. She does not like this heat. I then took a quick shower and had cereal for dinner. We were expecting Melissa today but she called and said she is coming tomorrow.

We watched some news and then a rerun of NCIS. At 2100 we came to bed. Nancy has a busy Wednesday and I plan on riding my bike to Rockford.

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