Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday July 16, 2010

After last night's picnic I slept in until 0730. I completed my at home routine and then pedaled to the MAC. Instead of running today I walked on the treadmill for 2 miles. I walked at a 15 minutes/mile pace. I chose the treadmill because I can hold on to the side and thus relieve pressure on my shoulder. It seems to work. I continue to alternate between the cold plunge and hot tub. This routine is suppose to help my shoulder. The jury is still out.

The DFP reported this week that the ex mayor of Detroit is asking for public defenders to represent him. The mayor has been charged with improper use of his foundation. If convicted he will spend even more time in jail. On a brighter side the DFP had a series of articles on the upcoming Detroit to Mackinac sail boat race. It starts this week end.

Friday was very hot and humid. After a quick lunch I loaded my car up with some bulky items that I will throw away tomorrow. The OHNA each year has a special bulky waste collection day. I don't have much room in the C2. I also cut the grass in the backyard.

Nancy volunteered to work the concert at Meijer's Garden. The concert starts at 1900 but we had to be there at 1730. Our job was to put arm bands on all attendees who want to purchase beer or wine. We checked IDs and then placed the band. We have done this in the past and it usually is a very boring job. Tonight the concert featured "Umphrey McGhee". They are a band out of Chicago with a very young following. In fact they had some folks following them around on their current tour. We had a lot of folks from out of town. Nancy and I have never put on so many arm bands. The concert was sold out. We were the oldest people there.

We worked until fifteen minutes after the concert started. Because we worked the concert we could attend for free. We sat in the back row. I was glad because the band was very loud. It was a beautiful evening and Nancy and I stayed until intermission. It was not that bad. It is always good to mingle with a younger crowd. Next time we will get some paste on tattoos.

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