Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday July 14, 2010

1531: Today is suppose to be my easy day. I get up at 0545 and immediately take Ms P out to do her bidness. I feed Ms P and then I got dressed for Breakfast Club. I arrived at Breakfast Club at 0655. Today's speaker was a retired teacher who has spent his retirement years researching President Lincoln. His speech was titled "Things you did not know about Abe Lincoln". It was very good.

After Breakfast Club I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. I rode 15 miles. It was very hot and humid today. However, the trail was very busy. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then headed downtown to a GRBA meeting. Prior to the GRBA meeting I stopped by the City Clerk's office and voted. The GRBA meeting started at 1400 and was done by 1450.

Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. She also has book club this evening. While Nancy is at book club I will be eating pizza with Tom Moleski at "Fred's". Got home from Fred's about 1930. I read the newspaper until Nancy got home about 2000. I was a little hyper so I walked Ms P around the block. At 2100 we came to bed.

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