Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thursday July 15, 2010

2111: Last night was encouraging. I spent a relatively pain free evening. We had thunder and lighting roll through this morning about 0400. We did not have any rain. Of course Ms P went bananas. I slept in until 0715. I performed my modified exercises at home and decided to pedal to the MAC despite the possibility of rain. This morning I ran 1.5 miles on the track. I am still reluctant to run outside for fear of falling. I also alternated between the cold plunge and hot tub 3 times. I think the alternating temperatures help the shoulder.

The heat was very oppressive today. I worked up a sweat pedaling from the MAC to the Kava House. I read the DFP and WSJ at the Kava House but I have nothing of interest (to me) to report. After the Kava House I had a quick lunch. Today I have to cut the grass. As I was moving outside a shower rolled through. It last about 30 seconds. Today I did the front and side yards. Tomorrow I will do the back yard. Tonight Nancy is working at the Meijer's Garden Volunteer's Picnic. I drove Nancy to the garden and because the low gas warning light was on I drove to Meijer's to fill up. It took 15 gallons. Gas was $2.85 per gallon.

I returned to the Gardens and was on time to attend the picnic. They had tons of food so no one starved. After the picnic we returned home and I had a beer and read the GRP. I took Ms P on a walk around the block. It is now 2125 and I am heading to bed.

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