Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday July 30, 2010

1657: Friday and I am up at 0700. I try some pushups this morning but no go. It is another beautiful summer day. My MAC routine goes without a hitch. It took a long time for the WSJ and DFP to download this morning. I spent my time waiting by reading a new nonfiction book about deception by Britain's MI5 during WW2. Neither the WSJ or DFP had an article about Senator Kerry, MA, not paying some taxes. The WSJ was the first to download and I read several articles but nothing worth commenting on. The DFP did have one interesting note that the latest polls show millionaire Snyder leading in the race for the republican nomination for governor. The mayor of Lansing was leading on the Democrat side. I would not vote for either one.

I got home at 1230 had a quick lunch and then finished cutting the grass. I also edged, trimmed and blew the loose clippings off the sidewalk. After my shower I noted that I have some creeping crud on my left foot. It was caused by not wearing socks. I drove to Walgreen's and got some cream to put on the impacted area. Nancy and I are going to the Brandywine for dinner.

2111: I must start being smart when I eat out. Tonight I had fried cod with French fries. I should have purchased a salad. Nancy had scrambled eggs. After dinner we read the papers and I took a 1.25 mile walk. At 2100 we headed upstairs.

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