Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wednesday June 30, 2010

2111: It is Breakfast Club morning so I get right up when the alarm goes off at 0545. I take Ms P out to do her bidness and then fetch coffee for Nancy. It is very cool this morning so I wear a blazer to breakfast. I leave at 0640 and make it to the meeting before its 0700 start time. This morning they had a German Brass Band to entertain us. It was good.

After breakfast I go to the Farmer's Market and purchase some rhubarb. Nancy is going to make me some rhubarb sauce. My next stop was Rylee's Hardware where I purchase some redwood stain for the picnic table. I will stain the table and bench sometime next week. I dropped the purchases off at home and picked up Ms P. We stopped at the gas station and I filled up the tank. My next stop was the Kava House where I purchased a coffee to take on the road. I dropped Ms P at home and loaded the AT bike on my rack. Today I am going to ride on the Frederick Meijer Heartland Trail. The trails starts just north of Greenville and heads northeast towards Alma. I parked at Grow Road and headed 2.5 miles southwest to the start of the trail. I then turned around and headed northeast towards Edmore. I pedaled all the way to Edmore which is the end of the paved portion of the trail. I stop at the Edmore Burger King and got a whopper.

It was a great day for a ride. I saw several snakes sunning themselves on the asphalt, a turkey, numerous chipmunks, ground hogs and a lot of colorful song birds. I like this trail because it is flat, crosses over several streams and runs through a lot of farm country. In several areas the trees create a canopy over the trail and it is like riding in a tunnel. The trail passes through two scenic small communities, Stanton and Edmore. I rode 34 miles and it took about 3 hours. (I always type road instead of rode)

When I got home I noted a Fed Ex ticket in the door. I had to pick up two packages. Nancy got home right after I did. After my shower we got in the Taurus with Ms P and headed to Fed Ex. One of the packages contained Nancy's new cell phone. The other package contained our passports with the Russian visas.

Nancy and I finished the salad from last night. I also had a bowl of cereal and a glass of wine. Not much on TV so we came to bed at 2050. Tomorrow is suppose to be another nice day. I plan on cutting the grass in the afternoon.

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