Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday July 24, 2010

1145: Saturday morning. I slept in until 0710 this morning. Ms P still seems to be in pain. We carry her up and down the stairs. I had planned on riding the AT to "Bill's" for breakfast. But when I got ready to leave it looked like rain so I drove. It was a good decision because it started to rain real hard right after I left. I had eggs, hash browns, toast, sausage and coffee for breakfast. I read the DFP and WSJ but nothing caught my interest.

Ms P greeted me like her old self when I got home. She still cannot climb stairs. I was reading the GRP in my recliner in the back room when I fell asleep. I sleep for about 30 minutes before my shoulder acted up. I am now upstairs cleaning up my office and starting this blog.

Lately I have been thinking about a saying of my Dad's. Dad said the if you want to know a man's real character you must observe the following 3 conditions.
1. See him drunk
2. Loan him money
3. I can't remember?
Maybe someone could help me.

I needed some exercise so in the early afternoon I took a 3 mile walk. it had started to clear up but still remained hot and humid. At 1700 Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head to the Horling's condo at Silver Lake. We spend a few minutes catching up and then head to Rockford. Hal Horling had made and 1830 reservation at a new restaurant in Rockford. The restaurant is in an old building in downtown. We ate on the second floor and had a very good meal. After a long pleasant dinner we returned to the Horling's and had dessert. We left Silver Lake about 2230. This is the second night in a row where we stay up past 2300. Party animals!

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