Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday July 1, 2010

2127: I got up at 0630 this morning. After my easy exercises at home I got on the AT and pedaled to the MAC. It was cool this morning so I wore long pants and socks. The MAC was not very busy this morning. I did some stretching , balancing and then some deep knee bends. I ran 1.5 miles inside. It was two weeks ago that I had my stumble. My shoulder still hurts and I cannot do pushups or chin-ups. I hope to be able to row next week. Lately I have been using the cold plunge in the hope that it will help the shoulder. I sit 40 seconds in the cold plunge and then sit 40 seconds in the hot tub. I do three cycles.

Yesterday I got an invite to my 55th AHS reunion. Nothing like having the invitations a year early. I plan on attending and told Nancy to block out July 1 and 2, 2011.

I did go to the Kava House today and read the DFP and WSJ. The Detroit Public Schools continue to bleed money. More major cutbacks were announced today. I was complaining several days ago about the EX-IM bank not giving a loan to India for a new power plant. The lack of a loan resulted in Bucyrus International of WI losing a $600 million equipment contract. Today's WSJ said the EX-IM will reconsider their action. I bet every WI legislator was all over the bank. I did read that the President was in WI yesterday but no mention was made of Bucyrus International losing the $600 million contract.

I got home at 1250 and had a quick lunch. After I finished the front yard I took a break and tried to get Nancy's new cell activated. After several attempts I finally got a Verizon person to walk me through the activation process. The phone works fine. Tomorrow I will see if I can figure out how to transfer her contacts list.

I finished the lawn about 1730. After a quick shower Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. I had an Oberon beer and French dip sandwich. Nancy had the Asian chicken salad and diet coke. We sat outside on the deck and listened to the singer they have every Thursday night. I read the GRP watched a little TV and walked Ms P around the block. At 2100 we came upstairs.

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