Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday July 21, 2010

1744: Wednesday is my easy day and I am up at 0630. It was a hot humid night and we might have to turn on the AC if the humidity continues. I get on the AT and pedal to "Bills" for breakfast. I read the papers and the only article of interest was about the big fight in Detroit over should the Mayor take over the school system. The proponents want the issue on the November ballot.

Neither the WSJ or DFP had an article on the Department of Agriculture employee who was fired for some racist comments she made. The comments were taken out of context. This issue is a perfect example of the problems with bloggers who do not have any rules or code of ethics. Most newspaper reporters are required to fact check. I really dislike both far left and far right groups.

After breakfast I came home put on some bike shorts and sunscreen and loaded the road bike on the C2. I headed to Riverside Park. Today was my longest ride of the year. I rode all the way to Cedar Springs. My entire trip took 3h16' and covered 38 miles. My GPS said I burned up 2120 calories. Of course I did stop in Rockford for an ice cream cone.

When I got home I showered and took a 30 minute nap. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon and got home about 1700. Tonight is cereal night. Tomorrow night we are going to the company picnic at 5/3 ballpark. We get free beer and food and tickets to the game. Friday we are going to the Moleski's for dinner and Saturday we go to the Horling's cottage for dinner. A fun filled rest of the week.

After dinner we read the GRP and watched some TV. I did walk Ms P around the block. The GRP is writing a series of articles on the Grand River. They are sponsoring a canoe/kayak expedition from Jackson to Grand Haven, the full length of the Grand. It is a very interesting article.

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