Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday July 10, 2010

Saturday and today is special because AJ is having her blessing at 1600. I had breakfast at home. I did drive to the Kava House for coffee. Missy and I took her car to Sun Rental and we got the table and six chairs. It only cost $15 which I thought was reasonable. My next errand was to stop by Macatawa Bank to get some cash. Debbie went with me because our next stop was Best Buy. Debbie bought a 2 G chip for her camera.

Nancy and Debbie drove to Costco to get the food. I drove to Family Foods for ice and pop. We had a quick shower pass through but is lasted less than 15 minutes and then the sun came out.

We all chipped in and set up the tables and chairs. The entire event was held outdoors. About 1530 the guests started arriving. The guest list included Missy's HS classmate and soon to be Godfather Steve Kozera. Missy's college roommate and soon to be Godmother Adri Brucker and her two children and mother. Steve now lives in Lansing and Adri lives in Budapest. My sister Helen, her husband Don, my nephew Jason and his daughter Kennedy, my niece Jennifer and her three daughters. Also in attendance was Ms Bittrick who was Missy's OHHS teacher. The Preacher/Master of Ceremonies Jim Pittman arrived right on time at 1600. Jim Pittman was the HS classmate of Missy and Steve. Rev Pittman performed a very special ceremony and it was enjoyed by all. He even sang a song he dedicated to AJ. It was a beautiful ceremony.

Of course after the ceremony we brought out all the food and drink. Everyone seemed to enjoy the feast. The meal was capped off with a special cake for AJ. Grandpa thought it was great and had several pieces.

For the kids we had a "Piñata" loaded with candy. We started with the youngest getting one swing and then the next older getting a swing, etc. On the second round Kennedy Crandall broke the Piñata and all the kids grabbed some candy.

About 1900 the quests started leaving and we all pitched in and cleaned up in record time. About 2000 I was a little antsy so I took AJ in her stroller for a walk. We got about 100 yards and she started rubbing her eyes. She was asleep in three minutes so I walked a mile and as soon as we got home Missy put her to bed. Nancy was the next to go to bed. She had a very busy day and was responsible for all the food and planning. Missy, Debbie and I watched part of an old Peter Seller's "Pink Panther" movie. It was a long and memorable day.

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