Sunday, July 4, 2010

Saturday July 3, 2010

1555 Sunday: Saturday July 3rd started at 0715 when I finally woke up. This is not your typical Saturday because today we are going to the "Hollyhock Lane Parade". Yes this year the parade is being held on the 3rd and not the 4th of July. This is an election year so the parade was especially long because of all the folks running for office. For the first time in over thirty years the MC of the event was not Mary Ester Lee. This year's MC was Simon Vance, a classmate of Stephen's. Simon did a great job.

After the parade Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to "Bill's". I had to show Nancy what a fine dining establishment this place was. Nancy only had a biscuit but I had my normal pancake and eggs. After breakfast we drove across the street to the new Rylee's Hardware. I wanted to show Nancy the new home grown store. I bought some sandpaper for the picnic table and bench.

After breakfast I put Ms P in the C2 and ran some errands. We visited the bank, D&W and the Kava House. After a quick lunch, I needed some exercise so I loaded the AT and headed to Millennium Park. I took a 90 minute ride.

After a shower, I took a short nap and watched the news at 1800. At 1900 we got in the Taurus and headed to Bostwick Lake. Tom Appel, an old OHNA neighbor, invited us out to his home on the lake to watch fireworks. There were about 50 people at Tom's party. I talked with Jim Walters a retired OHHS teacher, Tom and Kathy K, TJ's mom and dad, and the Vines. I also talked to George Walters a retired member of the GRBA. George is now 80 years old and looks great. Tom had PBR beer. I did not think they even made PBR anymore. The fireworks started about 2215 and were very good. We got home about 2300.

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