Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday July 22, 2010

1715: Thursday is grass cutting day. I get up at 0630 because I want to get an early start before the rains come. I get to the MAC before 0900 and leave by 1000. I did go to the Kava House so I can read the papers. I got home at 1200. After a quick lunch I get out the mower and cut just the small triangle between our front door and breezeway before is started raining. I put the mower away and got out the edger. The edger performs well in sun or rain. After edging I start trimming. I get most of the trimming done and then the trimmer quit. After investigation I assume that the outside electrical box was tripped. Tomorrow I will press the reset button and hope everything is ok.

The rain became more intense with some thunder. Ms P was a little hyper but because Nancy and I were nearby she did not go ballistic. I worked on the computer some and played a couple of games on my itouch. I might regret downloading these games.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to the company picnic at 53rd Park field. We will get free food and beer and watch the ballgame. It looks like it has cleared up enough to have a game.

2137: We arrived at the ball field about 1815. Carol, Carol, Donni, Barb, Ryan, Robert and David with their families were already eating. I had several hamburgers and thought they were very good. Of course this is from a guy that likes gas station hot dogs. The game started at 1900 and we had box seats along the first base line. Eric and his wife arrived right after the game started. It was nice to see that the Rickert's will have a new addition to their family in a couple of months.

During the fifth inning the Whitecaps had the bases loaded when it started lightning. The game was suspended. We came home. I just checked my dictionary and found that I have been spelling lightning incorrectly. Spell check is ok but I have to be careful about proper grammar. If I don't reread my blog I find that I make a lot of grammar mistakes. Lately I have used "road and rode" improperly. Did anyone catch these mistakes? If you did don't tell me.

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