Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday July 28, 2010

Wednesday and it is breakfast club day. The alarm goes off at 0545 and I get right up and take Ms P out to do her bidness. Speaking of Ms P, Nancy has said Ms P was named after a flower. I have always maintained that she was named after Porky Pig's girlfriend, Petunia. I googled Porky Pig last night and indeed Porky's girlfriend is Petunia. Nancy says I am blowing smoke.

I forgot to make coffee last night so I hustled up a pot for Nancy. I left for breakfast club about 0640. The breakfast club was crowded this morning. The speaker was a young lady who represents an organization that is trying to get a state-wide Public Defender Bill through the State Legislature. Unlike many states the responsibility for public defenders in Michigan is with the county. There is a wide disparity between counties. She was an enthusiastic speaker but when it came to answering questions she became very confused. Maybe it was because many members are hostile towards lawyers.

After the meeting I came right home and checked the weather report. They said that it would be raining in three hours. Based on this data I changed my plans and got out the AT and headed to Ada. I took Fulton Street. It was very hot and humid but I rode 20 miles in under two hours. I took a shower and then had a quick lunch. Nancy and I are attending Jack Lensink's birthday this Saturday and we decided to get Jack a gift certificate to the Kava House. So I got in the C2 and headed to the Kava House. In addition to getting the certificate I took along my Kindle and read the papers while sipping a cup of coffee.

The weatherman was wrong and we have received no rain. Nancy just got back from the Garden's and she said it had cooled off. We opened the windows and turned off the AC. I finished yesterday's blog and wrote a short message to two of my facebook friends.

2104: I had cereal for dinner, watched the NBC news and read the GRP. I also took an one mile walk. We closed all the downstairs windows, let Ms P out one last time and headed upstairs.

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