Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday July 20, 2010

1419: Like yesterday I was up before 0630. It is going to be another hot humid day. On my bike ride to the MAC I thought my coaster brake was acting up. Coaster brakes are suppose to last a lifetime without repair. At the MAC I followed my usual routine. At the Kava House I read both the WSJ and DFP. Nothing of interest to report.

Later this afternoon I will go on a 15 mile bike ride at Millennium Park. Right now I am catching up and want an early start on my blog because I want to head to bed early. I am going to try a long bike ride tomorrow.

2109: I did load up the AT and headed to Millennium Park for a 15 mile ride. I really like this trail because it is smooth, flat and no traffic. I got home about 1700 and took a shower and read the GRP. For dinner tonight Nancy grilled some pork steak. We also had a baked potato and some Michigan green beans. It was very good. It being Tuesday we watched NCIS and then headed to bed.

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