Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tuesday July 13, 2010

We woke up to an empty house. Only Nancy, Bob and Ms P are left. Today is a busy day for me so I leave before Nancy. I drove to the MAC because I have a 1000 Doctor's appointment. The MAC was empty this morning. I continue to use the cold plunge and hot tub to try and loosen my shoulder.

Dr Kutsche moved, pulled and banged on my shoulder trying to determine why I have so much pain when I am sleeping. The pain during the day is very minor but at night it is severe. He sent me over to x-ray. Maybe they can spot the source of my problems on the x-rays. If the x-rays show everything is ok then I will just have to grin and bear it until the shoulder heals.

I had lunch with Jennifer Dougherty at her office in Alto. We discussed her various projects. Jennifer is expecting her baby in August. She has a project in Alto that she would like me to inspect if the baby comes before the project is complete. Right now it look like the project will be complete before the baby. We visited the site so Jennifer could give me a firsthand view.

When I got home I realized that I had not gotten my 30 in so I took a 3 mile walk. It was very hot and humid today with temperatures in the 80's. I finished the party sandwiches for dinner tonight. Nancy and I also had a big piece of watermelon. We watched NCIS and then headed to bed.

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