Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday July 26, 2010

1752: I slept in until 0700 this morning. I am still having problems finding a comfortable position to sleep. I hope the shoulder heals soon. Today was another warm sunny day. I followed my normal Monday routine and ended up at the Kava House. I read both the WSJ and DFP. Both newspapers had articles on the leaked top secret documents. A lot of people were surprised that this could happen. However, anyone who remembers Vietnam would know that it happened during that war. People must remember that the folks involved in security are still Federal employees. It has been my experience that the most competent public employees work for local government and the competency decreases rapidly as you move up the food chain.

I had a quick lunch and then loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Kent Trails/Millennium Park. I rode my special route that is about 15 miles. It was very hot today but the route is lined with trees that provide plenty of shade. I rode by the Millennium Park beach and it was very crowded today. Millennium Park is a perfect example of making a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

When I got home I was surprised to see Nancy was home. Monday and she is suppose to be working at Meijer Gardens. She said they were having a concert so the Gardens was closed. Nancy fixed herself some scrambled eggs and I had cereal.

I watched the news and read the paper. Melissa skyped us tonight and we had a great talk. Missy and Akerke spent the weekend in Missouri. They had a good time.

I was a little restless so I walked around the block. I also filled up the tree gator that is attached to our new tree.

I have a new project. In 1962 on my way to SEA I had to stop at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base. I spent a night waiting to catch a flight to Saigon. As I was finishing breakfast I noticed a familiar face. It was a fraternity brother from UM. He also had joined the Civil Engineering Corps of the Navy. He was heading to the Philippines. His first name was Robert and he majored in architecture. I have called several fraternity brothers and they cannot remember his name. The only thing they can remember is that he was tall and a hard worker. I reconnected with the fraternity brothers through facebook. It is now a challenge to find the missing brother. This will be a good cold weather challenge.

Well it is time to button up the downstairs windows and take Ms P out for her final call. Although it has been hot we have not used our AC in several days. I hope everyone got their 30 in today.

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