Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday July 29, 2010

2042: Thursday and I am up at 0700. It was cooler last night so I slept well. I followed the normal routine today. At the MAC I started doing curls. I used a 30 pound weight for the right hand and 15 pounds for the left hand. I experienced no pain. On Monday I will try the rowing machine. I think all the bike riding has helped my running times. Today I ran the 1.5 miles 30 seconds faster than my normal time.

The DFP had several articles on the Mayor being in charge of the Detroit Public Schools. The DFP is all for the mayor running things. Today the ex mayor will testify at a trial regarding an alleged wild party at his residence while he was mayor. The ex mayor presently resides in Milan Federal Prison.

I got home from the Kava House about 1300 and had a quick lunch. At 1330 Nancy and I headed downtown for a meeting with our Wells Fargo Advisor. It appears that Nancy and Bob are holding their own. We have enough to keep body and soul together. It is interesting to me that the first joint account Nancy and I had was with Wells Fargo when we lived in CA. Now 45 years later we have an account with Wells Fargo. We started with A. G. Edwards and through a series of acquisitions they were bought out by Wells Fargo.

When we got home, about 1530, I started cutting the grass. I got the back and side yards done. For dinner tonight we ate at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside, listened to the singer and ate our food. When we got home I read the paper and then took a mile walk. In about 5 minutes I will head downstairs to take Ms P out and button up the downstairs windows. The summer is moving too fast. did you know that our evening low temperatures are higher than Long Beach or Santa Clara, CA?

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