Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday April 1, 2010

2106: Yes folks another April Fool's Day. I can remember as a boy the Alpena News use to have some great April Fool's pranks. I am easy prey to April Fool's type pranks. I fell for SI's Sid Finch April Fool's story hook line and sinker. When I was a freshman in college my roommates fixed me up with Betty's Bell. That was really embarrassing.

Today I got up at 0700. I was kind of sluggish after my 3 day layoff. It was almost 60 degrees at 0700. I had a difficult time deciding what to wear. The noon time temperature was suppose to be 80. For the first time this year I did not need to wear gloves and I did not wear lined pants for my bike ride. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House and read both the WSJ and DFP. I am still trying to figure out should I sell some coal stock I have. Is the President going to kill the coal industry? I must decide by Monday.

This afternoon I was going to figure out how to make a kayak carrier using my trailer hitch. I removed the bike rack and installed the trailer hitch attachment that I will use to construct a vertical rack that will connect to the hitch. Ms P helped with this work. I think I am entering my fuddy duddy phase. First I back the car out and played with the hitch attachments. I decided I needed to get the kayak down from the rack in the garage. Then I thought that I should hang the kayak from hooks on the garage rafters, so I got out some rope and strung it between the hooks. What would I do with the long ladder, short ladder and wheel barrow that were taking up room in the garage. It was very hot so I stopped all work and installed the screens on the back and side doors. I put the long ladder, short ladder and wheelbarrow on the rack in the garage. I moved the slate blackboard so I had room for the kayak on the garage floor where the storm windows use to be stored. Remember we don't need storm windows any more. I abandoned the idea of hanging the kayak from the hooks. I then thought the garage floor was dirty so I swept it clean. It was now 1630 so I had to stop to get ready for dinner at the GR Museum. I put the car in the clean garage. I spent all afternoon playing around the garage but still did not work on the trailer hitch kayak rack. Elmer Fudd would be proud.

This evening Nancy and I had a light dinner at the GR Museum. We looked at the displays on the first floor and then came home. I had a glass of wine, fell asleep and then watched a rerun of NCIS. Tomorrow I will get organized.

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