Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday April 6, 2010

1506: We had some heavy thunder storms come through last night. Needless to say it drove Ms P nuts. She was running around and whining all during the storm. I slept in until 0700. I did not ride my bike to the MAC because of the electrical storms. I drove to the Kava House and parked at a 1 hour meter. In fact all they have are 1 hour meters. I set my phone alarm for 1 hour so I do not get one of GR's big parking fines. In 1 hour I got through the DFP and 1/2 the WSJ.

I had lunch and then completed a design of the kayak rack. I had to make sure my proposed rack was structurally ok. It was. In fact I was proud that I still remembered how to do a column design.

It is still raining and I think I will spend until 1630 sorting out all the family material. I want to put this stuff away for the summer.

2106: I sorted almost all the family photos. If it rains tomorrow I will scan several good ones and send to family members. I found out that while in high school I had two poems published. My mother saved every letter I sent home while in college and the navy. I looked at several and was surprised at how bad the letters were. My English was terrible. At 1630 I took a 3 mile walk. It was warmer, 60s, than I thought and I worked up a sweat. I had to take a shower before dinner. Nancy fixed a pork chop with stuffing tonight. It was good. I also had some 2 buck Chuck. We watched NCIS and are now getting ready for bed. I have to get up early because tomorrow is Breakfast Club.

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