Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday April 17, 2010

1927: Nancy no longer has her early Saturday morning class at the MAC so we all slept in today. It was cold and windy this morning with wind chill in the 20s. At 0730 I bundled up and walked to Bill's for a breakfast of pancakes and eggs. After breakfast I put together a shoe rack for our back door. After our sprinkler system was turned on we noticed a leaking valve. The irrigation company sent over a repair man today and he fixed our leak.

When Nancy got home from the MAC we load Ms P in the Taurus and headed for Pet Smart for some medicine for Ms P. Pet Smart allows dogs in their store. In fact they encourage it. Ms P was not happy because all the dogs in the store were big, very big. After Pet Smart we headed to Costco. We bought some cookies and wine for Ed Namy's birthday party tomorrow.

Today is Alessandra's first birthday today. We called Long Beach and wished Alessandra happy birthday. Debbie, Lucas and Steve were making birthday cup cakes for the birthday girl. Today is also my Dad's 104th birthday. He was born in Virginia, MN in 1906. The Scott Team carries on.

I pedaled the AT around Reeds Lake two times this afternoon. Bucking the wind was hard work. After the ride I took a short nap. For dinner tonight we ate at the Brandywine. I had a club sandwich and Nancy had the ham-d-scram. We brought Ms P a doggy bag.

2150: I got the clicky tonight. I watched movies on Encore and HBO. We both had a glass of wine and Nancy read a book while I watched parts of movies. I just took Ms P out and the sky was very clear with a bright crescent moon and many stars.

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