Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday April 29, 2010

2140 on the 30th: Thursday is a travel day so I performed my morning routine at 75%. I did not ride my bike. I did read the DFP and WSJ at the Kava House. The DFP had several articles on the former Risk Manager for the Detroit Public Schools stealing $3.5 million from the district. It just keeps coming.

This afternoon I had a Building Code Appeals Board meeting. The meeting started at 1530 and lasted about 15 minutes. When I got home Missy and Akerke had just arrived from Ohio. Nancy was at the airport picking up Helen and Don who were arriving from AZ. While we were waiting I got the stroller and showed Missy and Akerke the new school being constructed at the site of the old OHHS. It is scheduled to be open this fall.
When Nancy got home from the airport, Helen and Don spent several minutes getting acquainted with Akerke. After several photos and hugs Helen and Don got in the Taurus and I drove them to Gaylord. It was a pleasant drive . Gaylord is about 2 weeks behind GR as far as flower and leaf development go. I was kind of disappointed because we did not see any deer.

My niece Jennifer had spent some time getting the house ready and had even put some beer in the frig for Uncle Bob. We sat around and talked a bit and then I headed for bed.

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