Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday April 26, 2010

2116: Ms P got me up at 0555 and I stayed up. My morning routine went smoothly. Today was a beautiful sunny day. The temperatures were in the low 40s this morning but by noon had reached 60. It was, however, very windy. In one week Michigan's smoking ban will take effect and I will be able to sit in the bright smoking room at the Kava House. The gal in charge most mornings is about 5' tall and 100# but she said she will enforce the smoking ban. This morning I read both the DFP and WSJ. I was disappointed in today's WSJ because they had a large section on what was happening in the NYC area. I really don't want to know.

After lunch Ms P and I drove to the bank and I complained that when I view my account online my full card # is shown. The manager called 53rd's credit card company and they said that they show the entire number until the transaction is closed and then they only show the last 4 digits. I voiced my complaint that the full number should never be shown.

Monday is lawn cutting day. I started at 1430 and finished 3.0 hours later. After dinner tonight I started watching Hardball but Nancy said I slept through the entire show. I spent the next hour reading the GRP and listening to tunes on my itouch. Tomorrow if the wind subsides I will go kayaking. Missy and AJ are coming Wednesday and Helen and Don are coming on Thursday. On Friday I will drive the Crandall's to Gaylord.

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