Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday April 3, 2010

1937: No alarm this morning because the MAC is on their spring break schedule. Nancy does not have to be at the MAC until 0900. I get up at 0700, get dressed and head for Bill's. The walk this morning was especially nice because of all the flowers in bloom. The Aquinas campus was really great with wild flowers in bloom everywhere. I had pancakes and eggs at Bill's. The DFP was full of articles on the MSU game.

When I got home from breakfast I put the bike rack on the C2 and headed for John Ball Park and the Kent Trail. The parking lot at John Ball Park was full. Today they had an Easter Egg hunt. The traffic on the Kent Trails was light. They have repaved the original trail and added branches to Millennium Park and into Ottawa County. It is really a nice safe ride that is a short distance from home. The sun was shining when I started but about 90 minutes into the ride it started to rain. I turned around and headed for home. When I got to the car I was soaked. I wasted no time in getting home.

At home I got out of my wet clothes and took a long hot shower followed by a short nap. After the nap it was still raining so I checked my mail, paid several bills and read my email. For dinner tonight Nancy and I ate at Russ's. I had a hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. It was very good but not too healthy. We got home in time to watch the first half of the ball game. I am writing this blog during halftime and will resume when the game is over.

2205: I watched the second half of the MSU game. It was disappointing. Did you know that there were no teams in the final four from west of the Mississippi. I watched some on an old Clint Eastwood movie. Nancy is now watching L&O. I don't like those shows. The temperatures are returning to normal April temperatures. Bummer! Did you get your 30 in today?

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