Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday April 24, 2010

1921: We all slept in until 0700 this morning. It was raining this morning so I drove to Bill's for breakfast. After breakfast I loaded Ms P in the C2 and we headed to Meijer's so I could pick up a prescription. We came home and I started playing with the itouch. I was moving along when Nancy asked if I wanted to go to Horricks. We drove to Horrick and bought 4 bottle of wine. We also stopped at Family Foods and then Meijer's so Nancy could take advantage of some sales.

This afternoon it continued to rain so I played some more with my itouch. I got an account established but I will have to reload itunes on the PC because I cannot get it to open. I have been able to download all the albums I had on Windows Media Center. I have 650 tunes on my itouch. I tried to get my contacts list transferred but so far no luck. This evening Nancy and I saw the movie "It's Complicated". It was a chick flick so Nancy owes me. We had dinner at Russ' and I had the hot turkey sandwich and Nancy was smart and had a soup and salad.

I have given up on the itunes on my PC for now and will head downstairs and read the paper and have a glass of wine. I did not get my 30 in today.

2136: I read the paper and started playing with the itouch. Next thing I knew I had downloaded Merle Haggard's latest CD. It is a lot cheaper than if I had purchased a CD. I listened with the ear buds provided with the itouch. I need to purchase the old fashion ear muff type ear phones.

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