Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday April 27, 2010

1741: Got up at 0640. We are having a cold spell and it was in the 30s this morning. I layered up for my ride to the MAC. I was cold on my ride but I passed several teenagers who were only wearing a T shirt. I talked to a young man at the MAC who is a dispatcher for a regional trucking company. I asked how business was and he said it is picking up and they have called back drivers who have been laid off for over 18 months. It is good to hear some good news.

I did get some bad news this morning. I was checking the Alpena News on my itouch and found out that my Aunt Ruth had passed away. She was 96. I called Helen in AZ and told her. She and Don are coming in to GR on Thursday and had planned on staying overnight at our house and on Friday on would drive them home for the summer. Instead we are leaving for Gaylord on Thursday so Helen and I can attend the funeral on Friday.

I did not get to the Kava House until 1130. I read both the DFP and WSJ and it took me 1.5 hours. I should take a speed reading class. The WSJ had an article on sunburn and skin cancer. After reading the article it appears I am a poster boy for skin cancer. It was kind of scary.

After lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and headed to Gazelle Sports and then the Apple Store. I bought a standard electrical plug with a USB attachment. When I got home I took a 3 mile walk. Nancy is attending a gardening class at the Gardens tonight. I get to watch NCIS alone. The temperature is now 59 degrees with clear blue sky. However, it was very windy all day. Maybe tomorrow I can go kayaking.

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