Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday April 21, 2010

1709: Today is Breakfast Club day so I set the alarm for 0555. Today's speaker was the PR man from the West Michigan Whitecaps, a minor league class A baseball team. The talk was very interesting and it was good the hear that the team has made a profit each and every year. The meeting was well attended.

After Breakfast Club, I loaded the AT bike on the C2 and headed to Riverside Park. I rode the bike to Rockford. In Rockford I stopped at a coffee shop and read the DFP on my Kindle. It was a great day for a bike ride. I was surprised by the number of women pushing their babies. They all had the fancy 3 wheel strollers. Except for the women with strollers the White Pine Trail was not very busy.

I got a call telling me that my kayak rack was ready for pickup. So when I got home I loaded up Ms P and drove to the welding shop to pick up the rack.

Ms P seemed kind of hyper so when we got home I walked her around the block. I was also hyper so I walked to Gas Light Village to mail a letter. Nancy just got home from the Gardens. She is also going to the Gardens tonight to help with orientation. I will stay home and watch some TV.

April 21 is my cousin Betty's birthday. She is a year and a day older than me. I remember when I was in high school I wanted to call a cute girl in my English class so I waited until the family was gone so no one would know. In 1954 we did not have direct dialing. Instead you gave your number to an operator. I tried several times to reach this young lady with no luck. Finally on about the fourth try the operator came on the line and said "she is not home Bobby". The operator was cousin Betty. My face turned bright red and was probably bright enough to light up a room. I was mortified that she would tell all the family members that I was trying to talk to a girl. Betty being a good sport did not tell anyone. So Happy Birthday Betty.

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