Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday April 4, 2010

1612: Nancy announced this morning that she did not want to go swimming on Easter. So we piled in the Taurus and headed to Perkins. We each had eggs benedict. Nancy's poached eggs are better. After breakfast we did our weekly shopping at the Cascade Meijer's. This is a newer store but we had trouble finding our way around. Usually our purchase are evenly divided between perishables and items we store down stairs. Today 95% of the items were perishables.

Nancy reminded me this morning of the time we hid Easter eggs outside and some critter ate the eggs. I could not recall this event. My Dad always said that Easter came on April 17, his and Alessandra's birthday, every 17 years. I do not know if this is true.

When we got home I put on my walking shoes and walked around Reeds Lake. The entire walk was 6.86 miles. It was a beautiful day for a walk. The buds are on the trees and some leaves are beginning emerge. This is about 3 weeks earlier than normal. I hope we don't get a freeze. I was almost around the lake when I passed a neighbor who spends his summers in the Block's old house. I asked him how his winter went and he told me about a car trip he and a buddy took down the Baja. It sounded great and maybe I can talk Steve into accompanying me on this trip.

After my long walk I had to shower and then I took a short nap. I want to finish this blog early because tonight I watch the fourth episode of Pacific. So far Pacific has been somewhat of a disappointment.

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