Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday April 2, 2010

1526: I got up at 0646. It was close to 70 degrees at 0700. Today is the first day of spring break so the MAC was not very crowded. Today I ran outside in short pants. First time this year. I had a 1200 lunch with Jennifer Dougherty so I did not have time to go to the Kava House. After my shower I sat in the MAC's lounge and read the DFP until 1100. I left home at 1130 for my 1200 lunch in Lowell. I made it in time. I had a bowl of bean soup and tuna salad sandwich for lunch. It was very good. Jennifer is working on some very interesting projects. She showed me several and I gave my opinion. We sat and talked until 1400. It was a most enjoyable lunch.

On my way home I stopped at the Tractor store in Lowell and looked around trying to get some ideas for my kayak rack. I did find some material that I might be able to use for the rack. I also bought two long sleeve tee shirts that were on sale for $5.

2114: This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. When I got home from lunch I removed the blade from the lawn mower and took it to get sharpened. I took Ms P on these errands. Our next stop was Rylee's to again look at pipes and fittings I might use to make my kayak rack.

Nancy was home when Ms P and I arrived back home. Missy had called and her car had broken down. It might be a problem with the electrical system. She also had a rundown battery on her cell phone. When it rains it pours.

Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we watched a little TV and headed to bed. It is still warm outside. I just checked the temperature and it was 76. However, tomorrow it will start cooling off.

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