Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday April 7, 2010

2058: Today is Breakfast Club day and I set my alarm for 0545 but Ms P got me up at 0530. She could not wait. It had not started to rain when I left for the Women's City Club and breakfast. It was an interesting and well attended meeting. After the meeting I did stop by the Kava House so I could read the DFP. It started raining about 1000.

I got home about 1000 and immediately checked my email and then returned to sorting old photos and other family memorabilia. Mother kept every letter that dad wrote when he was working for the Army in IL. Dad wrote every day. As I mentioned yesterday she kept every letter I wrote while in the Navy. Did you know that Dad's salary when he was City Manager of Alpena was $4,500 per year.

At 1145 I took a break and headed to the MAC for a swim. It was raining. I swam 1,000 yards.

I cannot find any data on the Scott family other than my great grandfather, William Foster Scott, was born in Caledon, Ontario. I did find out that dad's cousin Robert Rayburn's family originally came from Edinburgh, Scotland and then moved to County Monaghan, Ireland. The relative in question was born in 1783. Robert Rayburn's grandfather and dad's grandmother were brother and sister.

I scanned several photos of my cousin Randy's family and email them to him tonight. You may recall that Randy is the world's greatest comic book expert. He works at MSU.

I finished the afternoon with a 30 minute walk. It was misting when I left home but started pouring after 15 minutes.

I am done with the family history thing for the next 6 months. When I resume I want to find out more about the Scott family before Canada. I also am going to check the Michigan Department of Transportation's archives to find more about my grandfathers road construction company. They were a big company in the 1920's. The depression stopped all construction so my grandfather went out of business. People did not go bankrupt back in the 20's because they paid cash for their equipment.

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