Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday April 22, 2010

1647: Ms P had an emergency at 0500 so I took her out. I then went back to bed and slept until 0643. The first thing Nancy said was "Happy Birthday". Yes folks little Bobby Scott is 72. As I was rowing this morning I was thinking about some birthdays past. The following are some memories:

• My 70th birthday and the surprise party was great. It left me with a lot of great memories.
• I had to work on my 34th birthday in 1972. It was a Saturday and very cold and windy. All day all I could think about was having birthday dinner at Savory Street with Nancy and the girls.
• I do remember my 40th birthday and the big sign. I over reacted and want to apologize to everyone for my bad behavior.
• I wish I could forget my 21th birthday. I do remember standing on top of a table at the Pretzel Bell in Ann Arbor and chugging a pitcher of beer. Another reason to send your kids away to school.
• My parents made a big deal of turning 13. For my present we went on a family outing as soon as school was out. We travelled through Canada and visited Niagara Falls. We drove to Cleveland and Dad and I went to an Indians night game. The next day we visited the Detroit Zoo and we also saw a Detroit Tigers game. I saw Yogi Berra hit a home run. This was the first time I had been out of the State of Michigan.
• I had a big birthday party on my 10th birthday. I invited a lot of classmates (boys only) and we had dinner and then went to a Walt Disney movie followed by ice cream and cake. This was the year of the Schwinn bike.

Today was another nice sunny day. It was a little cool but 59 degrees is fine with me. I have been running outside every day and it is really nice. After the Kava House I ate a quick lunch and then started to play with the itouch that Nancy got me. She had it engraved. I was going to go kayaking but I had to buy some hardware for the new rack. I visited Rylee's Hardware and bought the hardware. I would purchase a piece of hardware walk out to the car and see if it would fit. It took me two tries to get it right.

After the hardware store I took a 30 minute walk. Nancy had a root canal today so we are going to Great Lakes Shipping where she can get a bowl of soup. I talked to my sister and Debbie and Missy. Veronica called and left a message but we have not yet reconnected.

2104: I had a French dip for dinner and Nancy had a bowl of soup. We saw our old neighbor Tom Pritz at Great Lakes Shipping tonight. He will be 86 on April 26. He looks great.

I talked to the Scott Team tonight. Lucas sang happy birthday. It was a great birthday.

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