Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday April 19, 2010

2059: I bolt awake at 0533 and realize that I had not made the coffee. I jump out of bed and head downstairs to remedy this situation. I hop back in bed and sleep until 0645. As I have said many times Monday morning is my busiest. I not only do my normal routine but I perform dead lifts, which I despise, and take the time to shave my head. I left the MAC at 1115 for the Kava House. It did not freeze last night but it came close. However, with the sun shining bright, it was about 60 when I left the MAC for the Kava House. The DFP had several articles on solving the school problems in Detroit and the WSJ had articles on the Goldman Sach problem. I took some time to read an article on China making inroads in Venezuela. The Chinese needs all the oil it can get. I was also interested in Ecuador trying to nationalize their oil industry.

I had a quick lunch and then walked Ms P around the block. I thought it would tire her out so she would not be barking when I shut her in the house while I cut the grass. It didn't work. About every 30 minutes I had to let her out so she could see what was going on. I wore my GPS when I cut the grass today. According to the GPS I walked 2.47 miles and it took 3h02' to complete the yard work, which included cutting, edging and blowing the loose grass. The yard looks great if I say so myself.

After the yard work I took a quick shower and then had dinner. I fell asleep during the national news and slept for about an hour. I finished the GRP and then watched House. This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. I hope tomorrow the welder calls and tells me the kayak rack is complete. We have had a string of beautiful days and I want to spend some time on the water.

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