Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday April 13, 2010

1706: All the yard work yesterday made me very tired. I slept in until 0700. The Sprinkler man was scheduled between 0830 and 1000. He got here at 0800. It took about 15 minutes to get the system up and running. Before going to the MAC this morning I got all my summer shirts out and put the winter flannels away. I am convinced that spring is here. The MAC was empty this morning. I left the MAC for the Kava House at 1130 today. The Kava House was also empty today. On May 1 smoking is illegal in all eating establishments. I look forward to that day because the smoking room at the Kava House has a lot of windows making it much lighter than where I now sit.

I had a quick lunch. Nancy had a decorator stop by to give her some samples for the two chairs that are being upholstered. She has not made up her mind yet. I took Ms P and we headed out to run some errands. My first stop was Alro Steel where I was scheduled to pick up the steel tubing for my kayak rack. The folk at Alro were kind of embarrassed because they had given the order to another guy named Scott. They promised that they would cut my order and have it ready in 20 minutes. Ms P and I took this opportunity to look for All Phase Welding. They are going to weld the pieces together to make the rack. As promised the steel was ready when we stopped back.

After I got home I checked my email and then took a 30 minute walk. I have not mentioned in any previous blog that the Pritz (Ordway) house across the street is for sale. Nancy had a 1600 dentist appointment and then she was working at the Gardens this evening. She should be home by 2000 in time for NCIS.

2112: Nancy got home at 1955. I told her that Missy had called and told me I could give Ms P some pizza. Her call was too late I had already eaten all the pizza. Veronica called and told me that Alessandra had taken her first steps. She later sent a video of Alessandra walking. Nancy called Veronica back to say how great the video was.

When I get mad at Ms P I sometimes call her a trollop. Nancy said this is verbal abuse. I looked up trollop and I agree with Nancy. The word has been banished.

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