Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday April 14, 2010

1725: Wednesday is my easy day so I did not get up until 0700. My big decision was where would I have breakfast. I decided on oatmeal at the Omelet Shop. I hopped on the AT and headed to Breton Village. I was disappointed in the oatmeal, it was cold, and the coffee, it was cold also. Next time it is back to Bill's. After breakfast I looked in Fitzgerald's and saw a pair of pant that I liked. The pants were green so I could wear them to the green themed auction next month at Meijer Gardens.

At home after breakfast and I checked my email and read the agenda items for this afternoon's GRBA meeting. At 1130 I headed to the MAC for a swim. I swam 1100 yards. After the swim I stopped at Fitzgerald's and bought the pants. I then headed downtown for the meeting. The meeting lasted a little over an hour.

I came home changed clothes and then loaded Ms P into the C2 and headed to a welding shop on Madison Ave south of 44th. The owner was able to understand my directions and I left all my material with him. I should have a completed kayak rack by Monday. After the welder, Ms P and I headed to Horrack's. I purchased two bottles of wine. The wine was Australian and cost $4 a bottle. I even think it has a cork. Liar! It does not have cork.

Tonight Nancy has book club. Tom is out of town so I will go to Olga's and have Peasant soup and a tuna sandwich.

2126: I walked over to Olga's for dinner. It has been a beautiful day. We had sunshine and temps in the 70's. I love spring. Nancy got home about 2000 from book club. She said it was a good meeting. At 2100 we headed to bed.

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