Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday April 30, 2010

2155: I had set my cell phone alarm to go off at 0700. However, I heard Helen and Don up and moving around so I got up at 0630. Don was really glad to be home because the first thing he did was to drive his truck around the farm to make sure everything had wintered over ok. He said there were no problems.

After a quick breakfast Helen and I got in the Taurus and headed for Alpena and our Aunt Ruth's funeral. Aunt Ruth was 96. The funeral was held in St Ann's new parish building. Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jim had five girls. All her grandchildren and great grandchildren were in attendance. It was nice to see all my cousins and their families. The oldest girl, Joan, who is single and lives in Rhode Island was the only daughter not in attendance. It was a nice funeral and I am always impressed with the Catholic rituals. Of course as requested by my Aunt the church ladies provided lunch. We had chicken, ham, cheesy potatoes, salad, vegetables, and of course cherry pie and brownies. It was a great meal.

Helen and I had the opportunity to talk to our first cousin, once removed. She was in attendance because in the past year she has become a nun and is presently working with the catholic church in Alpena.

When Helen and I got back to Gaylord I said a quick goodbye and headed to GR. I got home at 1800 and the girls were waiting for me. We had dinner at El Arriero. It was very good and reasonable. It is now 2214 and everyone is sound asleep. Missy and Akerke are leaving late tomorrow afternoon. Nancy has a full day scheduled.

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