Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday May 1, 2010

2118: No alarm this morning but I did wake at 0630. I asked Nancy if she wanted to get up and go to the MAC but she declined because Missy and Akerke were here. I got dressed and put on my rain coat and headed to Wolfgang's for breakfast. The only reason I went to Wolfgang's was because it was close. I did not want to get too wet if it started to rain as channel 8 predicted.

This morning is the first day of the no smoking ban. I asked the waitress if they had any problems and she said no because smokers did not arrive until after 0800. The food was average and the prices were way above average. I gave Wolfgang's a 2.1.

It really started to rain on my way home so when I arrived I put my clothes in the dryer. Missy, Akerke and Nancy were starting breakfast. Nancy was going to fix Akerke her world famous poached eggs but she did not want any. I will have to work on her.

The girls went to a rummage sale at Trinity Lutheran today and Ms P and I stayed home. Ms P and I did run an errand so I could purchase a lottery ticket. I buy 1 ticket for the Mega million. When the girls got home I took Akerke on a 1.25 mile walk. She likes riding in the stroller. In fact pushing the stroller is the one grandfatherly thing that I am good at.

Missy tried to get Akerke to take a nap. After about an hour she gave up. Nancy and the girls drove to Wilcox Park to play on the toys. I rode my bike to the park. Akerke seemed to like the toys the park had. Missy wanted to get Akerke tired so she would sleep on the drive to Lakewood, OH. They left for OH at 1700. Mary Namey called and asked if we would meet them for a quick dinner. We met at the Bombay Cuisine. I had the butter chicken and it was very good. After dinner we watched a little TV. Nancy was engrossed in her book so she headed to bed early. I watched an old Clint Eastwood western and at 2115 headed to bed. Tomorrow we go swimming.

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