Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday May 10, 2010

1757: We had frost again last night. I think the temperature got down to 28. Monday is always a busy morning for me. In addition to my normal routine I lift weights and give myself a haircut. I did not leave the MAC until 1100. It was very windy today. It seems that every day we have high winds. I had to buck the wind on my ride to the Kava House. It took me 90 minutes to read the DFP and WSJ. Why am I such a slow reader? The WSJ has an excellent ongoing series on energy. They think natural gas is the fuel of the future. I happen to agree.

After lunch I got out the lawn mower and cut the grass. I also gave the entire lawn a good edge trim. Tonight Nancy is working at the Gardens so Ms P and I are alone. I am going to take a shower and eat dinner. I will continue later.

2109: As I was edging the back yard I noticed a weed that looked like poison ivy. I googled it and sure enough it was poison ivy. I am working on a plan for getting rid of the nasty stuff. We have had a series of setbacks today. This morning the ball valve in the toilet became disconnected and I had to fix it and this evening the toilet seat broke. Tomorrow I will have to buy a new seat. It is suppose to rain tomorrow so I should have some time. I thought I was making good time with the lawn work but it still took 3 hours. I cannot break this barrier.

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